Who we are

Scavix Software GmbH & Co. KG was originially found as Scavix Software Ltd. & Co. KG by Christoph Bünger in 2012. After he founded Scendix Software, Inc. back in 2006 and PamConsult GmbH back in 2007, it was time for a complete new start in 2012. Some of the best software engineers who already have worked for him in the past years joined him to live the vision of developing great software.
Currently, the Scavix Software team is still small, but we’ll grow with your projects. The main office is located in Oetzen in Northern Germany. We believe in German Engineering resulting in high quality software products.
Currently, we are working for some of the best companies in the world including beDirect GmbH & Co. KG (a subsidiary of Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA) and Sage Software.
What we offer
You have a great idea of a software project but can’t implement it? You are a software company and need some help with the implementation of special functionalities? That’s where we come in: we offer our extensive knowledge so that you get your product. From our work of the past years, we know how things can be implemented and how end-users expect to look and work. The resulting apps are very easy to use and are based on cutting-edge technology.
How we work
One of our goals is to deliver high quality apps that are very easy to use. We don’t want any customer to read manuals before using the software we have developed. Even our moms need to be able to use the apps we’ve developed.
Although we have developed some love for developing web applications with PHP and JavaScript, we also have deep knowledge of designing and implementing apps for the desktop and mobile devices in C#, Java, etc.
As a basis for our web-apps, we like to use the Open Source Scavix Software Web Development Framework which brings the basis functionalities for web apps (including things like performance and security) so that we don’t need to start from zero when we start developing your web application.
We always use the technology that fits the needs of the project to get it done quickly and efficient with the best result.
After the first one or two meetings, we’ll start implementation of the software you need. Often, the customer doesn’t really know what exactly he needs and how to get there. A first prototype will show pretty quick if it’s going into the right direction or not. Based on this prototype, we’ll collect the feedback from you and then iterate through the process until the result is exactly what you expect it to be: perfect for your customers/users.
Need a quote for your software project? Contact us now!